Shelly Underwood is a certified Masseur, Crystal Healer, spiritual counsellor and a Grand Master in Reiki with her diploma giving her accreditation in over 80 different kinds of Reiki.
The specialties Shelly and The Crystal Kingdom Academy have to offer include:
Shelly sells crystals, and has also been making staffs and wands for the past eight years under her earth name of Luna Firer Weaver, and offers these for sale also.
Shelly started running workshops in March 2011 with great success and is already busy booking more dates available on a regular basis.
Shelly combines her passion for photography and travel with The Crystal Kingdom Academy – travelling to share her workshops and healing are a great treat for her.
I love spreading the wisdom of the Crystal Kingdom, those who are ready to receive such knowledge always walk away ready to come along to the next one.
– Shelly Underwood, The Crystal Kingdom Academy